As I enter Grasselli and ascend up the stairs, I am welcomed by the silence. 
Peaceful. Calm. Still. 
Fatigued eyes raise, and subtle smiles are exchanged as I quietly approach a table.  
The rich aroma of coffee permeates. 
Crinkling of loose leaf paper punctures the air as my fingers methodically trace down the page. 
My trembling breath exhales stress and anxiety, as my eager lungs inhale curiosity and excitement. 
The golden brown ceiling glistens with warmth, and extends an invitation to explore and enrich my knowledge. 
My personal upper room. 
A sanctuary that has tuned my ears to hear the whispers of God. 
To experience His guiding spirit and patient teaching. 
To feel the passionate fire burning in my heart; one that is fueled by His encouragement.
At peace. At ease. Steadfast.  
Onward on, my mind is nourished.
Upward on, my soul strengthened through the silence and soaring with joy.