If the 2345 Stoop Could Talk
What would it say? What stories would it share?

It would start with the story of the couch that was too big to fit through the door on move-in day
It would invite you in and welcome you to the madness of a house where eight girls lay

Then it would tell you about the summer of two thousand and nineteen
The spontaneous dinners and card games shared with each and every queen

It would tell you about the leftover beer and white claw cans left with stories of their own cool
Along with bottles of champagne popped for birthdays, holidays and on the first day of school

Lend an ear and the name of the person who stole our banner would be revealed.
But it would tell you to shhh because the UH PD was coming to bust our COVID-19 darty,
And cover your ears to us screaming to move cars at 10pm and a front yard that never healed
Hush again after our busted Tuesday night dance sess in our front yard, but not during a party

At the end of our time here, the stoop’s lips will be sealed.

Because it would struggle to tell you about how many amazing relationships were formed here
It could tell you about the kisses, fights, heart to hearts, & confessions shared but it would fear

To miss details of what happened for each visitor who shared their own story and a light
For eight girls’ senior year, this stoop welcomed each one back home after each night