The year was 2017. Freshman Year.
9:00 am Statistics Class in Admin 49 with Dr. Welki.
This classroom (and Homework Happy Hour) is where I met my best friends.
We struggled (a lot) together.
We laughed and partied together.
We (somewhat) survived the EC 210 course, with help from the "C Contract."
And we continued to be friends with these people.
I learned that college was gonna kick me in the butt after this class, but I'd survive.
I learned that you can make friends that last with the person sitting next to you in your first college class.
I learned that college is just 4 years of your life, and bigger things are going to happen after JCU.
To conclude, you will survive Dr. Welki's class, you will make great friends in your classes, you will get a great mentor from your professors and find your path somewhere along the way.
Thanks, Dr. Welki, for making me struggle from the get-go, and showing me that even if you make mistakes, you’ll always have your friends’ support. #GCB #JCU